Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's Homecoming Week!

Monday: Practice in the mat room (be dressed out) and prepared to stay until 6:00.

Tuesday: Practice in the mat room (be dressed out) and prepared to stay until 6:00.

1. Meet in the gym at 4:45, we will need to get out the mats and tape them
2. Work the parade, help get people lined up (around 5:15)
3. Parade itself -steps off at 6:30
4. Pep Rally (no skit)
Uniform for Pep Rally: Plano Soccer Shirt with white mesh shorts, no show socks, white sneaks, and sliders

Thursday: NO practice

1. Do NOT wear a Homecoming shirt to school*
2. Wear your team shirt with jeans to school
3. Meet at 5:15 to go to Clark to prepare for Homecoming game
4. We will decide on your uniform closer to Friday due to weather concerns.

*Any lewd or school inappropriate Homecoming shirt picked up at school (Thursday or Friday) will result in the following:
1. You will not be allowed to go to the Homecoming Game
2. You will receive one day of ISS
3. You will lose your senior exemption in the Spring.
4. You will be placed on probation
5. Think about it, this is not worth it.

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