Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekly Schedule for Aug 30 - Sept. 3

Practice 3:35-4:30
We're working stunts and conditioning (aka running)
Open House Night

Practice 3:35-5:00
Cheer Booster Club Meeting @ 7:00
Room A130 (remind your parents!)

District Cheer Meeting


Practice 3:35-5:00
JV Game in Irving

Friday - GAME DAY!
School Day: Wear Baseball T
Bus leaves at 5:30!
Game: Wear White "P", khaki shorts, white sneaks and no show socks.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

8/23-8/27 Lakeview Centennial v. Plano

8/23 Monday - Practice at 3:30 sharp! Be dressed out and ready to go. We will run flags and start working on Friday's Pep Rally

8/24 Tuesday - Practice at 3:30 sharp! We will work on Friday's Pep Rally

8/25 Wednesday - Practice at 3:30 sharp! We will work on Friday's Pep Rally

8/26 Thursday - Practice at 3:30 sharp! I will go to the JV game with Coach Smith, you will stay with Coach Crev.

Gameday 8/27!

Pep Rally - Meet at the gym at 8:15 (get out the mats and practice)
You will wear your maroon camp t-shirt that has Plano written length wise on it with white mesh shorts and white shoes and no show socks.

At school, wear the Plano camp t-shirt all day long ( I will check on you during the day).

Game time - Meet at the gym at 5:30
load the bus and prepare for the game.
Due to the summer heat, on Friday night you will wear PLANO soccer shirt with your white mesh shorts - white sneakers.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


All senior squad members (this includes all Varsity Cheerleaders,White Guards, and the Varsity Mascot) are required to work/attend the PISD Convocation at Prestonwood Church on Tuesday morning.

You will receive a test grade for the event.

Your uniform for the morning will be the Maroon Plano field shirt, belted khaki shorts, no show socks, and white sneaks.

You will serve as ushers for the event.

You should be done by 8:30am